In this section of the page, we have listed all the details associated with the disclaimer. If you have any additional questions about the medical disclaimer, you can reach us at

Medical Disclaimer

You should note that the website  doesn’t contain any medical advice in any form. The content on this website is meant to be for informational purposes only, and you can use it for educational purposes. All the textual information, graphics and images on this website are only informational. Please do not use them for medical advice or any similar purpose. These images are only for representative purposes.

We don’t recommend using the information on the website as a substitute for medical advice, treatment or diagnosis. The information on this website is not a substitute for any medical advice, diagnosis or treatment offered by professionals. We also try to keep the information on the website as updated as possible, but at the same, there can be some discrepancies, typing errors, human errors or any other miss on our part. So, while you are checking the details, please take it with a pinch of salt and verify the information that is critical to you.

In case of any emergency or medical issue, you are requested to contact your doctor or the emergency services at the hospital. Your healthcare provider is the best judge for your condition, and you should not ignore the condition either. Do not take OTC medicines as they can lead to other complications. Even if you are taking supplements, Ayurveda medicine or any other alternative therapy, you must consult with your physician. We don’t endorse any doctor, medicine or treatment as your doctor can help you decide in a better way.

You should consider your medical history, current medicines and hereditary conditions before making a decision. The medical summary is a crucial part of treatment, and only a trained doctor can help you with medication after all these considerations. You should not take any medicines with advice from us and instead depend on medical advice only. Only use this website for informational purposes. If you opt for surgery, you should talk to the doctor about the recommended procedure.

If you take any medicines or treatments based on any information from the website, we would not be responsible for any damages or implications. Our website will not hold any liability in case of conflict or medical negligence. The consultation, treatment and decisions you take after reading any information on the website are based on your discretion. We at will not be responsible for any of your actions.

Our website also contains links to external websites, and our effort is to provide you with the best possible website. However, even after verification, we can’t take any ownership of the data or the quality of external websites. You need to check the content at your own risk. The content on any of those websites might change, and we can’t take responsibility for that either.

If you don’t agree with any of these disclaimer sections, you are requested to immediately exit the page. You can also go ahead and check out the terms & conditions and the Privacy Policy section for more details.